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Custom Fonts

for your company, brand or product name !

Making a Font

What is the purpose of the letters and the font? Where would you like to use it? Who is it for? These are important questions that need to be considered before we embark on the design of the characters.

For more see Custom Fonts prices and info

Style and Impact

The style of a letter and a font may be basic and geometric, thin or heavy, or it may have conservative, classic serifs or other embellishing elements that make up the style of the font. Each convey a certain message.

A tech-company, a lawyer and a bakery can of course use the same font for their “logo-name” and profile.

But in order for the name to have a real impact and personality that says “this is us”, you would want something that is tailored to your unique vision.


For a font that needs to stand out, as part of a product or for the name of your company, readability is not really an issue.

If, on the other hand, you wish to use the font in documents, for general texts, headings and titles, both in print and on the web, then the font must be easy to read, at various sizes.

This may also mean that the design of the font must be simplified, to some degree at least, so that you may use it where you want.