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Font Pairing/3

Placidia + Burdigala X Sans

The three main titles are set in Placidia Sans, Normal and Display, respectively. Burdigala X Sans is used for the subtitles in example one and two. In stead of Burdigala X Sans, we could have opted for Placidia Sans. However, using fonts from the same family may sometimes be too much of a good thing, in that they are too similar, as the case may be.

In other words; Burdigala X Sans is similar in style, but different enought to create a subtle dynamic between to the main title and subtitle.

Display + Sans

The third and last example uses Placidia Display (Bold), with Placidia Sans in the subtitle. This works just fine, since Placidia Display is quite different in style. Burdigala X Sans would also work well here, but Placidia Sans has a slightly softer look and feel, which harmonizes perfectly with the Display version.
